Saturday, 5 July 2008

10% off Stampin Up Until Wednesday....

Okay so first things first, if you check out my other blog you will see that you can have 10% off any Stampin Up items in the current catalogue, scroll down the right hand side of that blog and click on the catalogue picture, here you can browse the current catalogue, then just e-mail me with your order and I will post you back a payment request, please bear in mind a nominal amount will be added for P&P depending on the weight of your parcel.

Here are a couple of cards I have made with Stampin Up merchandise....

Check out for all the details of these cards.

Went out yesterday afternoon with all the children geocaching, we had three planned, but unfortunately after the first two, DS who is 16 and DS who is 11 were walking along the mud (which is the kind of beach next to the estuary we live near) and they were both kicking a buoy (note the spelling not boy) on a chain at each other, suddenly DS who is 11 went splat in the mud, well this made us laugh, but we quickly realised he wasn't laughing and he was in great pain, I checked him out and thought that he hadn't broken any bones but was probably a dislocated shoulder as he was in a lot of pain in this region and couldn't move his arm. After a very very slow walk back to the car as we wasn't sure how to carry him without hurting his shoulder more we took him to the hospital where it turns out he has done something that the doctor says children never do and that is to break the bone in his humerous, right at the top just under the ball that goes into his shoulder socket, there is a nice chip of bone which has come off too.... they cannot put a cast on as it is so far up his arm, so he has had to have a special sling fitted to stop him moving the top of his arm too much which he has to have on for 4-6 weeks or until it heals, so that also includes countless trips to the fracture clinic starting Tuesday....

Went to DD2s today to a barbeque it was mega, there was so much food thought I would burst and we have the left overs for a barbeque tomorrow too.... he he he

Went for a trek this morning, DD4 has work experience next week and is working in a special needs school which is around 45 minutes on the bus away and needs to get the bus. We have worked out which bus to get but needed to walk from the bus station to the school, so thought if we all went and walked it today she would know where to go next week... took longer than we expected and it took us about 1/2 hour each way, but are expecting that she will walk slightly quicker than we did today, but at least she now knows the way and hopefully we wont get a phone call saying she is lost....

Off to watch Casualty, have a good weekend all xx

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